
Course Information

Emergency Pharmacology (EMSP 2348)

Term: 2014-2015 Spring


Jerry D Hutchison
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Mon-Tue, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (1/20/2015 - 5/14/2015) Location: MAIN


A comprehensive course covering all aspects of the utilization of medications in treating emergency situations. Course is designed to compliment Cardiology, Special Populations, and Medical Emergency courses. The student will display a command of general pharmacological terminology, general drug mechanisms, administration routes and administration procedures, and drug dose calculations. Students will demonstrate understanding for the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications, contraindications, possible side effects, and common drug interactions of a variety of medications used in out-of-hospital medical care. Prerequisites: EMSP 1338, EMSP 1356, EMSP 1355, EMSP 2338, and EMSP 2361. Concurrent registration with EMSP 2444, EMSP 2330, EMSP 2434, and EMSP 2362.