Mental Health Nursing (RNSG 2213)
Term: 2016-2017 Fall
Mon, 9:30 AM - 11:20 AM (8/22/2016 - 12/15/2016) Location: MAIN HLTH 151
Principles and concepts of mental health psychopathology, and treatment modalities related to the nursing care of clients and their families. Prerequisites: BIOL 2301/2101, 2302/2102, and 2320/2120; PSYC 2301 and 2314; ENGL 1301, RNSG 1413, 1360, 1412, 1431, and 1460 for Basic Students; Co-requisites for Basic Students: ARTS 1301 or MUSI 1306 or DRAM 1310, RNSG 1441 and 2360; Co-requisites for Transition Students: RNSG 1327, 1251, and 1160.