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Results for covo descript tara e o eso das places para license camisha
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  • There are no exact matches for covo descript tara e o eso das places para license camisha.
    Showing results with covo or descript or tara or e or o or eso or das or places or para or license or camisha.
    COSC 1320 H1 HYB - Introduction to C++ Programming (2015-2016 Spring)
    Tue: 9:30-11:00 AM @ MAIN BCT 16
    kins Email Email More info More Info
    ...The objective of this course is to teach students the major elements of the C++ language. Topics covered include language syntax, data types, the concept of variable scope, arrays, pointers, structures, functions, parameter passing, and the sequence selection (if-then-else), and repetition control structures (for, while, do-while loops). Also covered are the commonly used ANSI C++ string manipulation, file I/O, and memory allocation functions. Prerequisite: COSC 1309....
    COSC 1320 01 TRA - Introduction to C++ Programming (2014-2015 Spring)
    Mon, Wed: 11-12:20 PM @ MAIN BCT 16
    kins Email Email More info More Info
    ...The objective of this course is to teach students the major elements of the C++ language. Topics covered include language syntax, data types, the concept of variable scope, arrays, pointers, structures, functions, parameter passing, and the sequence selection (if-then-else), and repetition control structures (for, while, do-while loops). Also covered are the commonly used ANSI C++ string manipulation, file I/O, and memory allocation functions. Prerequisite: COSC 1309....
    NURA 1013 01U CE - Medication Aide Course (2022-2023 Summer CBE)
    Mon, Tue, Thu: 5-9:00 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Fri: 8-12:00 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Fri: 8-12:00 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Fri: 8-12:00 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Fri: 8-12:00 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Fri: 7-11:00 AM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Fri: 8-12:00 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Sat: 8-12:00 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Sat: 8-12:00 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Sat: 8-12:00 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Grider Email Email More info More Info
    ... diploma or GED equivalent from the USA. If the student has an “o...
    a section of the Medication Aide Course course in Nurse Aide - NURA
    NURA 1013 01W CE - Medication Aide Course (2021-2022 Winter CBE)
    Mon, Tue, Thu: 5:30-9:30 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    ... diploma or GED equivalent from the USA. If the student has an “o...
    a section of the Medication Aide Course course in Nurse Aide - NURA
    NURA 1013 01U CE - Medication Aide Course (2021-2022 Summer CBE)
    Mon, Tue, Thu: 5-9:00 PM @ MAIN HLTH 141
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... diploma or GED equivalent from the USA. If the student has an “o...
    a section of the Medication Aide Course course in Nurse Aide - NURA
    ENGL 2311 SW1 WEB - Technical & Business Writing (2020-2021 Summer)
    Sun: 12-12:50 AM @ MAIN
    a href="(@@emailUrlb4e5a94a-83c8-482a-aa3c-b5a678c8942c@)">Email Email More info More Info
    ...Technical & Business Writing (3,3,0). Intensive study of and practice in professional settings. Focus on the types of documents necessary to make decisions and take action on the job, such as proposals, reports, instructions, policies and procedures, e-mail messages, letters, and descriptions of products and services. Practice individual and collaborative processes involved in the creation of ethical and efficient documents. Prerequisite: Students taking this course must have satisfactorily completed ENGL 1301 with a grade of C or higher....
    a section of the Technical & Business Writing course in English - ENGL
    ENGL 2311 V1 VCT - Technical & Business Writing (2016-2017 Fall)
    ...Technical & Business Writing (3,3,0). Intensive study of and practice in professional settings. Focus on the types of documents necessary to make decisions and take action on the job, such as proposals, reports, instructions, policies and procedures, e-mail messages, letters, and descriptions of products and services. Practice individual and collaborative processes involved in the creation of ethical and efficient documents. Prerequisite: Students taking this course must have satisfactorily completed ENGL 1301 with a grade of C or higher....
    a section of the Technical & Business Writing course in English - ENGL
    ENGL 2311 W1 WEB - Technical & Business Writing (2021-2022 Fall)
    Sun: 12-12:50 AM @ MAIN
    a href="(@@emailUrlb4e5a94a-83c8-482a-aa3c-b5a678c8942c@)">Email Email More info More Info
    ...Technical & Business Writing (3,3,0). Intensive study of and practice in professional settings. Focus on the types of documents necessary to make decisions and take action on the job, such as proposals, reports, instructions, policies and procedures, e-mail messages, letters, and descriptions of products and services. Practice individual and collaborative processes involved in the creation of ethical and efficient documents. Prerequisite: Students taking this course must have satisfactorily completed ENGL 1301 with a grade of C or higher....
    a section of the Technical & Business Writing course in English - ENGL
    ENGL 2311 CW1 WEB - Technical & Business Writing (2021-2022 Spring)
    Sun: 12-12:50 AM @ MAIN
    a href="(@@emailUrlb4e5a94a-83c8-482a-aa3c-b5a678c8942c@)">Email Email More info More Info
    ...Technical & Business Writing (3,3,0). Intensive study of and practice in professional settings. Focus on the types of documents necessary to make decisions and take action on the job, such as proposals, reports, instructions, policies and procedures, e-mail messages, letters, and descriptions of products and services. Practice individual and collaborative processes involved in the creation of ethical and efficient documents. Prerequisite: Students taking this course must have satisfactorily completed ENGL 1301 with a grade of C or higher....
    a section of the Technical & Business Writing course in English - ENGL
    ITSC 1012 01F CE - Computer Basics (2021-2022 Fall CBE)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 7:30-11:30 AM @ FC
    Stewart Email Email More info More Info
    ...Have you ever thought “Computers were introduced in the 70’s – I guess this fad is here to stay, maybe I should learn how to use one.” If so, this is the beginner class for you. Learn about the hardware, mouse, navigation, software, files, folders, and managing your desktop. We will even explore the World Wide Web, and e-mail. In just 6 weeks, you too, will be comfortable facing any computer in the screen and saying “I can use you!” Contact Brenda Murphy, BAAS 903-276-5899 for more information....
    ITSC 1012 02U CE - Computer Basics (2020-2021 Summer CBE)
    Thu: 6-8:00 PM @ MAIN BCT 5
    urphy Email Email More info More Info
    ...Have you ever thought “Computers were introduced in the 70’s – I guess this fad is here to stay, maybe I should learn how to use one.” If so, this is the beginner class for you. Learn about the hardware, mouse, navigation, software, files, folders, and managing your desktop. We will even explore the World Wide Web, and e-mail. In just 6 weeks, you too, will be comfortable facing any computer in the screen and saying “I can use you!” Contact Brenda Murphy, BAAS 903-276-5899 for more information....
    ITSC 1012 01F CE - Computer Basics (2024-2025 Fall CBE)
    Thu: 6-8:00 PM @ MAIN BCT 15
    urphy Email Email More info More Info
    ...Have you ever thought “Computers were introduced in the 70’s – I guess this fad is here to stay, maybe I should learn how to use one.” If so, this is the beginner class for you. Learn about the hardware, mouse, navigation, software, files, folders, and managing your desktop. We will even explore the World Wide Web, and e-mail. In just 6 weeks, you too, will be comfortable facing any computer in the screen and saying “I can use you!” Contact Brenda Murphy, BAAS 903-276-5899 for more information....
    ITSC 1012 02S CE - Computer Basics (2023-2024 Spring CBE)
    Thu: 6-8:00 PM @ MAIN BCT 15
    urphy Email Email More info More Info
    ...Have you ever thought “Computers were introduced in the 70’s – I guess this fad is here to stay, maybe I should learn how to use one.” If so, this is the beginner class for you. Learn about the hardware, mouse, navigation, software, files, folders, and managing your desktop. We will even explore the World Wide Web, and e-mail. In just 6 weeks, you too, will be comfortable facing any computer in the screen and saying “I can use you!” Contact Brenda Murphy, BAAS 903-276-5899 for more information....
    ITSC 1012 01W CE - Computer Basics (2021-2022 Winter CBE)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 7:30-11:30 AM @ FC FCI
    Stewart Email Email More info More Info
    ...Have you ever thought “Computers were introduced in the 70’s – I guess this fad is here to stay, maybe I should learn how to use one.” If so, this is the beginner class for you. Learn about the hardware, mouse, navigation, software, files, folders, and managing your desktop. We will even explore the World Wide Web, and e-mail. In just 6 weeks, you too, will be comfortable facing any computer in the screen and saying “I can use you!” Contact Brenda Murphy, BAAS 903-276-5899 for more information....
    ITSC 1012 01F CE - Computer Basics (2023-2024 Fall CBE)
    Tue: 6-8:00 PM @ MAIN BCT 15
    urphy Email Email More info More Info
    ...Have you ever thought “Computers were introduced in the 70’s – I guess this fad is here to stay, maybe I should learn how to use one.” If so, this is the beginner class for you. Learn about the hardware, mouse, navigation, software, files, folders, and managing your desktop. We will even explore the World Wide Web, and e-mail. In just 6 weeks, you too, will be comfortable facing any computer in the screen and saying “I can use you!” Contact Brenda Murphy, BAAS 903-276-5899 for more information....
    ITSC 1012 01S CE - Computer Basics (2023-2024 Spring CBE)
    Tue: 6-9:00 PM @ MAIN BCT 15
    urphy Email Email More info More Info
    ...Have you ever thought “Computers were introduced in the 70’s – I guess this fad is here to stay, maybe I should learn how to use one.” If so, this is the beginner class for you. Learn about the hardware, mouse, navigation, software, files, folders, and managing your desktop. We will even explore the World Wide Web, and e-mail. In just 6 weeks, you too, will be comfortable facing any computer in the screen and saying “I can use you!” Contact Brenda Murphy, BAAS 903-276-5899 for more information....
    MATH 0030 01 TRA - TSI Math (2016-2017 Spring)
    Thu: 6-8:00 PM @ MAIN LIBR MTHLB
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    ENGL 0030 03 TRA - TSI English (2016-2017 Summer)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 2-4:00 PM @ MAIN LIBR 201
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL
    MATH 0030 02 TRA - TSI Math (2019-2020 Fall)
    Tue, Thu: 12:30-1:50 PM @ MAIN PS 8
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 02 TRA - TSI Math (2024-2025 Fall)
    Tue, Thu: 12:30-1:50 PM @ MAIN BCT 6
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    ENGL 0030 01 TRA - TSI English (2019-2020 Spring)
    Tue, Thu: 2-3:20 PM @ MAIN PS 8
    raft Email Email More info More Info
    Melisa Doreen Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL
    MATH 0030 03 TRA - TSI Math (2015-2016 Summer)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 12-2:00 PM @ MAIN LIBR 201
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 01 TRA - TSI Math (2017-2018 Fall)
    Thu: 6-7:50 PM @ MAIN LIBR 201
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    Tonja Lynn Blase Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    ENGL 0030 01 TRA - TSI English (2014-2015 Summer)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:30-12:30 PM @ MAIN HUM 224
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL
    MATH 0030 H2 HYB - TSI Math (2020-2021 Spring)
    Tue, Thu: 12:30-1:50 PM @ MAIN PS 8
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 S2 TRA - TSI Math (2019-2020 Summer)
    Mon, Wed: 8:30-10:30 AM @ MAIN PS 7
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    Georgia A Obando Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 SH2 HYB - TSI Math (2021-2022 Summer)
    Wed: 6-9:00 PM @ MAIN PS 7
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    ENGL 0030 01 TRA - TSI English (2024-2025 Fall)
    Mon, Wed: 12:30-1:50 PM @ MAIN BCT 6
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL
    MATH 0030 02 TRA - TSI Math (2022-2023 Fall)
    Mon: 6-8:50 PM @ MAIN PS 7
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 01 TRA - TSI Math (2015-2016 Summer)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:30-10:30 AM @ MAIN LIBR 201
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 02 TRA - TSI Math (2021-2022 Fall)
    Tue, Thu: 12:30-1:50 PM @ MAIN PS 7
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 S4 TRA - TSI Math (2017-2018 Summer)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 12-1:50 PM @ MAIN LIBR 201
    se Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 F3 FLX - TSI Math (2020-2021 Fall)
    Tue, Thu: 12:30-1:50 PM @ MAIN PS 8
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 H1 HYB - TSI Math (2020-2021 Spring)
    Tue, Thu: 9:30-10:50 AM @ MAIN PS 7
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    ENGL 0030 S1 TRA - TSI English (2021-2022 Summer)
    Tue, Thu: 11-1:00 PM @ MAIN PS 8
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL
    MATH 0030 03 TRA - TSI Math (2021-2022 Fall)
    Tue, Thu: 9:30-10:50 AM @ MAIN PS 7
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 DC4 TRA - TSI Math (2016-2017 Summer)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 12-1:50 PM @ MAIN LIBR 201
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 S01 TRA - TSI Math (2022-2023 Summer)
    Tue, Thu: 12:30-2:30 PM @ MAIN PS 7
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 DC3 TRA - TSI Math (2016-2017 Summer)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 9-10:50 AM @ MAIN LIBR 201
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    ENGL 0030 S1 TRA - TSI English (2019-2020 Summer)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 10:30-12:30 PM @ MAIN PS 8
    raft Email Email More info More Info
    Melisa Doreen Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL
    MATH 0030 H3 HYB - TSI Math (2020-2021 Spring)
    Wed: 6-8:50 PM @ MAIN PS 7
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 01 TRA - TSI Math (2022-2023 Spring)
    Mon: 6-8:00 PM @ MAIN PS 7
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    ENGL 0030 DC2 TRA - TSI English (2016-2017 Summer)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 4-6:00 PM @ MAIN LIBR 201
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL
    ENGL 0030 01 TRA - TSI English (2016-2017 Summer)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 1-3:00 PM @ MAIN LIBR 201
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL
    ENGL 0030 01 TRA - TSI English (2021-2022 Fall)
    Tue, Thu: 2-3:20 PM @ MAIN PS 8
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL
    MATH 0030 01 TRA - TSI Math (2023-2024 Fall)
    Mon: 6-7:50 PM @ MAIN BCT 4
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 02 TRA - TSI Math (2019-2020 Spring)
    Tue, Thu: 12:30-1:50 PM @ MAIN PS 8
    raft Email Email More info More Info
    Melisa Doreen Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 0030 01 TRA - TSI Math (2019-2020 Fall)
    Mon, Wed: 9:30-10:50 AM @ MAIN PS 7
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of basic math, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level math course, and anyone who places below or into developmental math based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI Math course in Mathematics - MATH
    ENGL 0030 01 TRA - TSI English (2018-2019 Spring)
    Tue, Thu: 2-3:20 PM @ MAIN PS 8
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL
    ENGL 0030 01 TRA - TSI English (2022-2023 Fall)
    Mon, Wed: 12:30-1:50 PM @ MAIN PS 8
    Jones Email Email More info More Info
    ...This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based on TSI scores may take the NCBO. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Students do not receive any credit for the course....
    a section of the TSI English course in English - ENGL

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